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لمتابعة جديد الموقع

البريد الإلكتروني " الإيميل "

الأمير آمون حر خبش إف ( آمون حر ونم إف )

الأمير آمون حر خبش إف ( آمون حر ونم إف )
الأمير آمون حر خبش إف ( آمون حر ونم إف )
* شخصيات من عصر الرعامسة :-
الأمير آمون حر خبش إف ( آمون حر ونم إف ) :
هو أحد أمراء الأسرة التاسعة عشرة ، فى الفترة من 1279 إلى 1213 قبل الميلاد . كان الابن الأكبر للملك « رمسيس الثانى » من زوجته المفضلة الملكة « نفرتارى » . ولد «
آمون حر خبش إف » عندما كان والده لا يزال وليا للعهد لأبيه الملك « سيتى الأول » ، وقد صحب « آمون حر خبش إف » والده « رمسيس الثانى » فى أول حملاته العسكرية على بلاد النوبة ، عندما كان يبلغ من العمر خمس سنوات فقط ، وذلك بصحبة الابن الملكى فى كوش « آمون إم أوبت » ، وقد أستقبل الجزية بالنيابة عن جده « سيتى الأول » . سلك « آمون حر خبش إف » السلك العسكرى ، وشارك فى الحروب والحملات الحربية التى خاضها والده الملك « رمسيس الثانى » فى آسيا ، وتغير اسمه إلى « آمون حر ونم إف » ، وقد تقلد المنصب العسكرى الرفيع القائد العام للجيش وأصبح وليا للعهد ، ولكنه توفى قبل والده ، وذلك قبل العام العشرين من حكم والده الملك « رمسيس الثانى » . ظهر الأمير « آمون حر خبش إف » ممثلا فى معابد والده الشهيرة كمعبد الأقصر وأبو سمبل والرمسيوم وكذلك معبد الملك « سيتى الأول » الشهير بأبيدوس ، كما ظهر بصحبة بعض تماثيل والده . ولقد دفن الأمير« آمون حر خبش إف » فى المقبرة رقم 5 بوادى الملوك بالبر الغربى بطيبة التى أعدت خصيصا لأبناء الملك « رمسيس الثانى » .
Prince Amun-her-khepeshef:

Amun-her-khepeshef or Amonhirkhopshef or Amun-her-wenemef was the firstborn son of Pharaoh Ramesses II and Queen Nefertari.
He was born when his father was still a co-regent with Seti I. He was originally called
Amun-her-wenemef ("Amun Is with His Right Arm"). He changed his name to Amun-her-khepeshef ("Amun Is with His Strong Arm") early in his father's reign. He appears to have changed his name once again to Seth-her-khepeshef around Year 20 of Ramesses II. Seth-her-khepeshef was formerly thought to be another son of Ramesses II.
Amun-her-khepeshef was the crown prince of Egypt for the first 25 years of Ramesses II's reign but eventually predeceased his father in Year 25 of his father's reign. Ramesses B, Ramesses II's second oldest son then succeeded him as Crown Prince for another 25 years (from Year 25 to Year 50 of this pharaoh's reign). Merenptah, Ramesses II's 13th son, would later assume the throne in Year 67 of Ramesses II.
Amun-her-khepeshef, as heir to the throne, held several titles. Some of them were unique such as "Commander of the Troops", "Effective Confidant" and "Eldest Son of the King of his Body." Some of his other titles were shared with other prominent princes such as "Fan-bearer on the King's Right Hand" and "Royal Scribe". His titles indicate that he held a high position in the army, and according to some relief depictions, he and his younger half-brother Khaemwaset fought in the Battle of Kadesh and the campaigns in Nubia (or at least he accompanied his father to these battles). He appears on a wall in the Temple of Beit el-Wali. Amun-her-khepeshef was involved in an exchange of diplomatic correspondence with the Hittites after Ramesses II's Year 21 peace treaty with them.
Statues and depictions of Amun-her-khepeshef appear in his father's famous temples in Abu Simbel, Luxor, in the Ramesseum, and in Seti's Abydos temple. He is depicted with his father lassoing a bull in the Abydos temple walls and appears frequently on Ramesses II's statues.
Amun-her-khepeshef died around Year 25 of his father's reign. He is known to have had a wife named Nefertari – who could be identical with Ramesses' daughter, Nefertari, possibly a child of Queen Nefertari – and a son named Seti. The next crown prince was his half-brother Ramesses, the eldest son of Queen Isetnofret. Amun-her-khepeshef was buried in tomb KV5 in the Valley of the Kings, in a large tomb built for the sons of Ramesses II. His internment was apparently inspected in Year 53 of Ramesses II.

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تعريب وتعديل: بلوجر بالعربي

Crown of Egypt "تاج مصر للتراث الفرعوني"